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Senior Research Fellow, 9 positions, Tampere Institute for Advance Study/Yliopistotutkija, 9 paikkaa, tutkijakollegium

Published date more than one year ago
Posted: more than one year ago
Company Tampere University
Company: Tampere University
End date April 25, 2021
Due date: April 25, 2021
Location Tampere
Location: Tampere

Tampere University was launched in 2019, when the University of Tampere and Tampere University of Technology merged to become Finland's second largest university. Our focus areas are technology, health and society. The new university aims at scientific excellence and societal impact in research. The University regards the competence of staff as its most important strategic asset and supports its development. For further information, please visit

As a university-level initiative to boost the scientific excellence, the new Tampere Institute for Advanced Study is being launched. The purpose of the Institute is to help researchers from all scientific fields to focus on conducting the highest quality of research and thus advance to the next stage in their careers. To this end, the Institute grants fixed-term Postdoctoral, Senior and Professorial Fellowships. 

The Tampere Institute for Advanced Study is a university-level research community which offers the most competitive researchers the opportunity to focus on their own research and take it to the next level as well as broaden their research horizon. The Institute grants Fellowships to researchers in all scientific fields represented at Tampere University. Thematic or other priorities are not set for the research. The Institute also invites leading international researchers for short visits, collaborates with similar institutes and organizes scientific events.

The Tampere Institute for Advanced Study calls for applications for nine (9) two-year fixed-term positions of Senior Research Fellows.

The Fellowships will start either on 1 August 2021 or as agreed.

Eligibility of applicants and evaluation of applications

Applicants for the Senior Research Fellowships must have completed their doctoral degree no less than three (3) years before the application closing date.

Applications for the Senior Research Fellowships are evaluated only on the basis of scientific quality and ambition of the work plans presented in the application documents.

Applications will be assessed against the following key evaluation criteria.

  • High academic quality and innovativeness of the work plan
  • Feasibility of the work plan (including, for example, current and/or planned international cooperation) 
  • Earlier academic merits will be taken into account

We are also calling for applications for two-year fixed-term Postdoctoral Research Fellowships (in a separate job posting). An applicant shall submit only one application for the researcher position that best fits their current academic career path. 

We offer

We offer a research-inspiring work environment with an excellent up-to-date infrastructure and a collaborative work community in three modern campuses. We also offer a wide range of staff benefits, such as occupational health care, flexible working hours, excellent sports facilities and several restaurants and cafés on campuses. Please read more about working at Tampere Universities

Salaries are based on the job requirement level and personal performance appraisal according to the Finnish University Salary System. The basic salary of Postdoctoral Research Fellow is placed on the job requirement levels 5-6 (teaching and research staff category) and Senior Research Fellow on levels 6-7. The personal performance component is between 6% and 50% of the basic salary depending on the prior experience and achievements. 

The university is prepared to pay each Fellow, according to their work plan, reasonable additional costs, such as travel, publishing, and infrastructure operating costs. Please note that the appointed Fellows are expected to participate in the postgraduate education of their field (up to 5% of total working hours). The positions are based in Tampere, where the appointed Fellows are expected to be mainly physically present when the current epidemic situation subsides.

Tampere and its surroundings are, after the Helsinki metropolitan area, Finland's second most significant concentration of education, science, economy and culture. Getting around and to Tampere is effortless, no matter where you come from. 

Please read more about working at Tampere Universities. You can also find more information about us and working and living in Tampere by watching  Tampere Higher Education Community - our academic playground.

Finland offers one of the most advanced and comprehensive social security systems in the world, including personal and family health care and a variety of family benefits. The Finnish educational system is renowned worldwide. For more information on Finland, please check InfoFinland and This is Finland

How to apply 

Please submit your application through our online recruitment system (link below). The closing date for applications is 25 April 2021 at 23.59 EET (GMT+2). 

Please write your application and all accompanying documents in English and attach them to your application form in the order mentioned below as one (1) PDF file named LastnameFirstnameSeniorFellow2021.pdf (max. 20MB). 

Please note that the form technically allows loading several attachments (like a cv), but only this one pdf-attachment (as instructed above) is allowed.

Please use Times New Roman 12pt font or a similar easy-to-read font for all documents. 

The application consists of the following documents.

1. Cover letter

A cover letter (max. 1 page) in which you set out the reasons why you are applying for the post and why you are particularly suited to it.

2. Curriculum Vitae according to the Finnish National Board on Research Integrity (TENK) guidelines, maximum length five (5) pages.

3. Work plan, maximum length 1,700 words with the following structure.

  1. Title
  2. Abstract of no more than 70 words, followed by a word count of the work plan, including the title, abstract and list of references to the used sources
  3. The current stage of the career and an explanation of how a two-year Fellowship will help to raise the level of research and/or broaden its scientific horizon and, thus, to move the career forward
  4. Background, rationale and current phase of the work planned to be done during the term of two years
  5. Significance of the results
  6. How the research benefits from working at Tampere University and what it has to give to the research of the university
  7. International cooperation
  8. Publication plan, taking into account open publication in its various forms
  9. List of a maximum of 10 most important research outputs, such as publications, datasets or societal impact

4. Full list of publications according to Academy of Finland guidelines 

Please clearly indicate (in bold) your ten most important publications in terms of your work plan and add hyperlinks to these publications, if possible.

Please follow the instructions above carefully. An incomplete application will not be accepted for evaluation. 

For more information about the positions and the Tampere Institute for Advanced Study, please contact: 

Juha Teperi, Vice President,, tel. +358 40 513 3714 

Markku Ihonen, Head of Research Development,, tel. +358 50 374 8982 

For more information about the application process, please contact:

Marjukka Virkajärvi, Coordinator,, tel. +358 50 318 6697


Yliopistotutkija, 9 tutkijanpaikkaa, tutkijakollegium (Tampere Institute for Advanced Study)

Tampereen yliopisto ja Tampereen teknillinen yliopisto yhdistyivät vuonna 2019 Suomen toiseksi suurimmaksi yliopistoksi. Korkeakouluyhteisömme vahvat alueet ovat tekniikka, terveys ja yhteiskunta. Uuden yliopiston tavoitteena on tutkimuksen korkea tieteellinen taso ja yhteiskunnallinen vaikuttavuus. Yliopisto pitää henkilöstönsä osaamista tärkeimpänä strategisena voimavaranaan ja tukee sen jatkuvaa kehittämistä. Lue lisää:

Yliopisto haluaa vahvistaa tutkimuksen korkeaa tieteellistä tasoa käynnistämällä uuden tutkijakollegiumin. Sen tarkoituksena on auttaa tutkijoita kaikilta tieteenaloilta keskittymään huippututkimuksen tekemiseen ja siten etenemään seuraavaan vaiheeseen urallaan.

Tampereen yliopiston tutkijakollegium (Tampere Institute for Advanced Study) on yliopistotason tutkimusyhteisö, joka tarjoaa kilpailukykyisimmille tutkijoille tilaisuuden keskittyä omaan tutkimukseensa, nostaa tutkimuksensa uudelle tasolle sekä laajentaa tutkimushorisonttiaan. Tutkijakollegium tarjoaa tutkijanpaikkoja kaikilla Tampereen yliopiston kolmella vahvalla alueella. Tutkimukselle ei aseteta temaattisia tai muita rajoitteita. Tutkijakollegium kutsuu myös johtavia kansainvälisiä tutkijoita lyhyille vierailuille, tekee yhteistyötä muiden vastaavien instituuttien kanssa ja järjestää tieteellisiä tapahtumia.

Tutkijakollegium hakee yhdeksää (9) yliopistotutkijaa (Senior Research Fellow) kahden (2) vuoden määräaikaisiin tutkijanpaikkoihin. 

Tutkimuskaudet alkavat 1.8.2021 tai sovitusti.

Hakijoiden kelpoisuus ja hakemusten arviointi

Yliopistotutkijan paikkaa hakevan tulee olla suorittanut tohtorintutkintonsa vähintään kolme (3) vuotta ennen hakuajan loppua.

Hakemukset arvioidaan ainoastaan esitetyn työsuunnitelman tieteellisen laadun ja kunnianhimon perusteella.

Hakemukset arvioidaan seuraavien keskeisten arviointikriteerien pohjalta:

  • työsuunnitelman korkea tieteellinen laatu ja innovatiivisuus
  • työsuunnitelman toteutettavuus (ml. esim. nykyinen ja/tai suunniteltu kansainvälinen yhteistyö) 
  • aiemmat tieteelliset ansiot

Haemme samaan aikaan myös tutkijatohtoreita (erillisellä hakuilmoituksella). Hakijan tulee lähettää vain yksi hakemus omaan nykyiseen akateemiseen urapolkuun parhaiten sopivaan tutkijakategoriaan.

Katso lisätietoja tehtävästä sekä hakuohjeet yllä olevasta englanninkielisestä ilmoituksesta.