Showing 1 - 13 of 13 jobs
The Department of Information and Communications Engineering (DICE) is now looking for Bachelor or Master students for several SUMMER JOB POSITIONS How to apply? Please submit your application through our recruitment system by using the "Apply” link on this page. If you are currently employed by Aalto University: Please submit your application directly in the Workday system, using your existing user account (by writing “Find jobs” in the Workday search field). Please include the follow...
You're right at home with web backends. You have probably always been a bit curious about how things work under the hood. You have likely dabbled with web frameworks, continuous integration, test automation, continuous deployment and databases. It's not just about getting the data to flow from the database to the user's screen, it's about getting to know the technologies, understanding the layers and finally delivering code to production. Assembling a functional, robust and maintainable system ...
We're driving toward the ultimate victory: a world without the fear of cancer. For the past 65 years we have been the world’s most influential company in fighting cancer by treating with radiation. Continuing with this tradition, we are currently developing the next generation of a recently launched software system to take cancer care to next level. We are looking for talented Senior Software Engineer to join our Adaptive Treatment Planning team. You will be part of cross-functional team w...
Etsimme nyt Visma Megaflexille Helsinkiin Full Stack -ohjelmistokehittäjää. Sinulla on jo kokemusta devaajan tehtävistä ja nautit ongelmanratkaisusta. Kannat vastuuta tekemisistäsi ja haluat tehdä hyvää jälkeä. Tehtävän ydin on ohjelmointi, suunnittelu sekä järjestelmien ylläpitoon liittyviä tehtäviä. Osaat toimia ketterin menetelmin ja englannin kielen taitosi on sujuvaa. Lisäksi haluaisimme sinut opastamaan ja tukemaan asiakastuen organisaatiota ammattitaidollasi. Teet myös sujuvasti yh...
”Moro, olen Jari ja työskentelen full-stack kehittäjänä Bitwisellä. Full-stack-kehittäjänä työnkuvaani kuuluvat tarvittaessa sekä webin client-puolen kehitys sekä palvelinpuolen kehitys. Angular on meillä suosittu frontend-kirjasto, sillä se toimii hyvin erilaisissa sovelluskohteissa. Myös esimerkiksi Vue ja React ovat meillä käytössä. Tilallisuutta sovelluksiin on rakennettu yleensä Reduxin storen avulla ja Angularin kanssa nimenomaan ngrx-versiolla. Viime aikoina olen käyttänyt Fireba...
I'm Kęstutis Černiauskas and I'm looking for a new team member. You will be part of the Identity and Modern Workplace Security and Architecture team, a dynamic group of IT solution architects and DevOps engineers. As a DevOps engineer you will be responsible for the Identity Provider (IdP) service and infrastructure. Join us, and will have a chance to modernize IT services, drive innovation, and shape the future of Workplace services! As a DevOps engineer, you’ll... Your key duties will ...
As a software engineer you will work hands on with development of verification systems for future high accuracy GNSS and satellite based timing products. In this position you have a unique opportunity to co-operate with some of the leading experts of global navigation satellite system (GNSS) technology. You are part of a small team responsible of automated test environment for our GNSS based products. Your responsibilities include architectural design, implementation, and maintenance ...
As a software engineer you will work hands on with development of verification systems for future high accuracy GNSS and satellite based timing products. In this position you have a unique opportunity to co-operate with some of the leading experts of global navigation satellite system (GNSS) technology. You are part of a small team responsible of automated test environment for our GNSS based products. Your responsibilities include architectural design, implementation, and maintenance ...
Students Wanted for Exciting Summer Jobs at the School of Chemical Engineering We're looking for enthusiastic students to join our team for the summer. The ideal candidate is highly motivated and able to e.g. assist and carry out various lab tasks, run experiments and develop analytical skills. This is a unique opportunity to gain hands-on experience in a real-world lab setting and contribute to ongoing research projects. The open positions are in all the departments of our School: Depart...
Hei tuleva tekkikonsultti! Innostutko uusista teknologioista sekä niiden mahdollistamista muutoksista yhteiskunnassa? Haluaisitko työskennellä erilaisten sovellusten, järjestelmäintegraatioiden tai muiden teknologiaprojektien parissa? Jos kiinnostuksesi heräsi, lue alta lisää kevään harjoitteluistamme. Mitä Accenture Technology tekee? Accenturella tarjoamme asiakkaillemme sovelluspalveluita sekä kattavia järjestelmäintegraatioita, joiden avulla tuemme asiakkaidemme bisnestransformaatioit...
At WithSecure™, we protect businesses all over the world. Our SaaS solutions safeguard against modern cyber threats, and our innovative Co-security approach reflects our belief that true protection requires collaboration and shared expertise. No one can solve every cyber security problem alone. Our vision is to become Europe’s flagship in cyber security. Every day, our talented teams work to prevent cyber extortion, secure critical infrastructure, and prevent misuse of sensitive data. ...
Noona is Varian’s cloud-based software solution for patient relationships and care navigation management. It’s designed to connect cancer patients with their clinics online throughout the entire cancer journey. Noona is currently used by 10 000+ cancer patients and healthcare professionals from leading oncology centers in USA and Europe. We are looking for cloud native Backend or Full stack developer interested in joining our mission to provide best possible cancer care for patients all aroun...
Join Us in Shaping the Future of Identity & Access Management! Want to grow your skills in IAM while working in a dynamic and innovative environment? I’m Mažvydas Šimkus, and I’m looking for an IAM DevOps Engineer to join our team! This is your opportunity to gain hands-on experience with Identity Governance systems , work with modern technologies, and contribute to both support and feature development. If you’re passionate about automation, security, and solving complex challenges, we...