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2-4 Postdoctoral Research Fellow posts in the Centre of Excellence in Game Culture Studies (CoE GameCult)

Published date more than one year ago
Posted: more than one year ago
Company Tampere University
Company: Tampere University
End date Jan. 2, 2023
Due date: Jan. 2, 2023
Location Tampere
Location: Tampere

Tampere University and Tampere University of Applied Sciences (TAU) create a unique environment for multidisciplinary, inspirational and high-impact research and education. Our universities community has its competitive edges in technology, health and society. 

The Centre of Excellence in Game Culture Studies (CoE GameCult) is a leading centre in the study of games, play and game cultures (see: As a joint initiative of Tampere University (TAU), University of Turku (UTU), and the University of Jyväskylä (JYU), it brings together over 40 researchers from the humanities, social sciences and technical sciences, who are jointly engaged in the inquiry of game cultures. The CoE GameCult aims to integrate the multidisciplinary research carried out in game culture studies, and to develop original theoretical and empirical approaches that are crucial for understanding, anticipating and influencing the direction and impact games have on contemporary and future developments in culture and society

Based on a long research history and successful collaboration of the three universities, the CoE GameCult has started its operation in January 2018, in the Academy of Finland’s Centres of Excellence program, and after a successful mid-term evaluation will now continue up to the end of eight-year period, the end of year 2025.

In the CoE GameCult, the interconnected dimensions of game cultures are addressed through four integrated themes that organise the research work carried out in the CoE: Theme 1: Meaning and Form of Games (coord. JYU, prof. Raine Koskimaa), Theme 2: Creation and Production of Games (coord. TAU, assoc. prof. Olli Sotamaa), Theme 3: Players and Player Communities (coord. TAU, prof. Frans Mäyrä), Theme 4: Societal Framing of Games (coord. UTU, prof. Jaakko Suominen). 

In this Winter 2022-2023 call 2-4 Postdoctoral Researcher Fellow positions are available in the Tampere University Game Research Lab team, in the ITC Faculty (see more at: The new researcher positions advertised in this call are particularly related to the TAU-led research themes 2 and 3.

Job descriptions

The researchers hired into the Centre of Excellence will be capable of independently pursuing high quality research in their area of specialisation, and of multidisciplinary collaborative work with other CoE researchers and other research partners. Filling of postdoctoral research fellow positions will be based on consideration of the overall skills profiles of CoE research teams, and the number and length of researcher service contracts will be subject for negotiation.

The successful applicants will have both strong research profiles in games, player or game culture studies, well formulated individual research agendas, as well as evidence of capabilities for interdisciplinary collaboration and teamwork.

The more specific skill profiles that CoE is particularly looking for are experts in:

  1. game development cultures, and/or critical game design research
  2. game production, circulation, platformization and regulation 
  3. gaming communities and various player subcultures and diverse player groups
  4. player motivations and social play, or play in society
  5. games as sites of identity politics and resistance.

Particular emphasis will be put on multidisciplinary skill profiles, and for candidates who show evidence or promise for bridge building between two or more, currently disconnected research fields related to games, play, game players, design and production of games and research of those societal and cultural contexts. Applicants are asked to specify in their application, which one, or which ones, of the above skill profiles they most closely identify with.


The postdoctoral position is intended for graduated researchers with a PhD, so that they may gain further experience and advance their careers. A successful candidate should have evidence of original research related to games, play and/or game cultures in society more generally, and a PhD degree in game studies, humanities, social sciences, design studies, or other games-related subject area. We expect competence to pursue independent scientific work and have adequate teaching skills. You should be fluent in spoken and written English. We appreciate experience of studying and working abroad and contacts to international research community.

We are looking for versatile and independent researchers with a solid background in games and play related research, and the ability to supervise MA and PhD students would be considered an advantage. The position also involves some teaching duties.

We offer

The positions will be filled for fixed-term periods, typically for a two year duration. The planned starting date would be during Spring term 2023, as mutually agreed. A trial period of six months applies to all our new employees.

The salary will be based on both the job requirements and the employee's personal performance in accordance with the Finnish University Salary System. In this system, the position of a postdoctoral researcher is placed on the job demands levels 5-6. A typical starting salary of postdoctoral researcher is around €3500 and €4000. Higher salary may be agreed dependent upon experience and/or performance.

We offer a wide range of staff benefits, such as occupational health care, flexible working hours, excellent sports facilities on campus and several restaurants and cafés on campus with staff discounts. Please read more about working at Tampere University.

Study of games is recognized as a leading-edge research area of Tampere University. We offer a world-class research environment in internationally recognized research groups. We have strong collaborative networks and offer great opportunities for researchers to develop their careers in an international setting.

How to apply

Please submit your application through our online recruitment system. The closing date for applications is Monday, 2nd of January 2023 (at 23.59 EEST / 20.59 UTC). Please write your application and all accompanying documents in English and attach them in PDF format.

Applications should include the following documents:

  • Curriculum Vitae according to TENK guidelines (DOCX)
  • List of publications according to Academy of Finland guidelines
  • Motivation letter (max 2 pages) in which you set out the reasons why you are applying for the post and why you are particularly suited to it
  • A research plan (max 3 pages), outlining your proposed research within the CoE research themes
  • The names, positions and contact details of two referees who can support your application

For more information, please contact:

Professor, CoE Director Frans Mäyrä, (tel. +358 50 336 7650), or
 Professor, CoE Team Leader Olli Sotamaa, (tel. +358 50 420 1472)
 Faculty Manager Kirsi Aalto, (tel. +358 40 190 1658)

Tampere University reserves the right to not fill the positions or extend the application period, if needed.  


2-4 tutkijatohtorin (postdoctoral research fellow) tehtävää pelikulttuurien tutkimuksen huippuyksikössä

Tampereen yliopisto ja Tampereen ammattikorkeakoulu muodostavat yhdessä Suomen toiseksi suurimman monitieteisen, innostavan ja vaikuttavan tutkimus- ja oppimisyhteisön. Korkeakouluyhteisömme osaamiskärjet ovat tekniikka, terveys ja yhteiskunta. Lue lisää:

Tampereen yliopiston pelikulttuurien tutkimuksen huippuyksikkö CoE GameCult toimii Suomen Akatemian huippuyksiköiden (CoE) ohjelmassa (2018-2025). CoE GameCult on Tampereen, Jyväskylän ja Turun yliopistojen yhteinen, yli 40 pelitutkijan monitieteinen huippuyksikkö, joka kokoaa yhteen kolme pelikulttuurien tutkimuksen johtavaa suomalaista tutkimuskeskittymää. Pelikulttuurien tutkimuksen huippuyksikössä tuotetaan sekä teoreettista tietoa, uusia käsitteitä ja malleja, pohditaan tutkimuksen soveltamista käytäntöön sekä tarkastellaan pelien kautta kulttuurin ja yhteiskunnan muutosta. 

CoE GameCult -huippuyksikössä tehtävän tutkimustyön pääteemat ovat: 1) Meaning and Form of Games (koordinaattori JY, prof. Raine Koskimaa), 2) Creation and Production of Games (koordinaattori TAU, apulaisprof. Olli Sotamaa), 3) Players and Player Communities (koordinaattori TAU, prof. Frans Mäyrä) ja 4) Societal Framing of Games (koordinaattori TY, prof. Jaakko Suominen). Nyt haussa olevat tehtävät sijoittuvat Tampereen yliopiston koordinoimiin tutkimusteemoihin 2 ja 3.

Tehtävissä edellytetään soveltuvaa tohtorin tutkintoa ja kykyä itsenäiseen tieteelliseen tutkimustyöhön osana monitieteistä tutkimusyhteisöä, sekä tehtävässä tarvittavaa opetustaitoa huippuyksikölle relevantilta alalta.

Tarkemmat kuvaukset tehtävistä löytyvät hakuilmoituksen englanninkielisestä versiosta.

Tampereen yliopistossa palkkaus perustuu yliopistojen palkkausjärjestelmään (YPJ), jossa tehtäväkohtaisen palkanosan lisäksi maksetaan henkilökohtaiseen suoriutumiseen perustuva palkanosa. Tutkijatohtorin palkka on työsuhteen alussa noin 3500-4000 euroa kuukaudessa. Tutkijan tehtävässä on kuuden kuukauden koeaika. Tehtävät täytetään tyypillisesti kahden vuoden määräaikaisina tehtävinä.

Tehtävät alkavat kevätlukukauden 2023 aikana, tai sopimuksen mukaan.

Hakemus ja siihen liitettävä aineisto

Englanninkielinen hakemus liitteineen tulee jättää viimeistään 2.1.2023 klo 23.59 mennessä, yliopiston sähköisellä hakulomakkeella (linkki alla). 

Hakemukseen liitetään:

  • TENKin ohjeen (DOCX) mukainen CV
  • Suomen Akatemian ohjeiden mukainen julkaisuluettelo
  • Motivaatiokirje (enintään 2 sivua), jossa hakija kertoo, miksi hän hakee tehtävään ja miksi sopisi siihen
  • Enintään kolme (3) sivua pitkä tutkimussuunnitelma, johon sisältyy kuvaus siitä, miten oma tutkimus liittyy huippuyksikköön
  • Kahden suosittelijan nimi- ja yhteystiedot.

Tehtävää koskevat tiedustelut: CoE GameCult -huippuyksikön johtaja prof. Frans Mäyrä ( ja Tampereen yliopiston pelitutkimusryhmän vetäjä, prof. Olli Sotamaa ( 

Hakemusta koskevat kysymykset: hallintopäällikkö Kirsi Aalto (  

Tampereen yliopistolla on perustellusta syystä oikeus jättää tehtävä täyttämättä tai jatkaa hakuaikaa.