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Senior Researchers or Project Researchers to INVEST Flagship Research Center

Published date more than one year ago
Posted: more than one year ago
Company University of Turku
Company: University of Turku
End date June 14, 2023
Due date: June 14, 2023
Location Turku
Location: Turku

1−2 Senior Research Fellows, Senior Researchers or Project Researchers in the project “DIGIPARENT: Implementation, personalization and genetics of digitally assisted parent training intervention to improve child mental health services” for fixed-term positions for the period of 1 August 2023 – 31 October 2026. The start of employment is negotiable, but we expect you to be available by 1 September 2023 at the latest.

The University of Turku is a world-class multidisciplinary research university which offers interesting challenges and a unique vantage point to national and international research and education. The University’s flagship research centre INVEST ( is a joint research centre that operates under the Faculties of Medicine and Social Sciences at the University of Turku (UTU) and at the Welfare State Research and Reform unit at the Finnish Institute for Health and Welfare (THL).

The Research Centre for Child Psychiatry (Faculty of Medicine, UTU) is a part of INVEST. It is a nationally leading institution in research on digital mental health interventions for children, young people and families. Since its establishment in 2009, the research centre has developed, evaluated and implemented several digitalised targeted and universal interventions aimed at teaching skills that maintain and strengthen mental health. Further, the competencies of the research centre include epidemiology, implementation research, birth cohort studies, service research, biomarkers, immunology, genetics, information technology, psychometrics, clinical psychiatry, developmental psychology and nursing science. The centre is a dynamic and innovative research environment with about 60 externally funded staff, including 9 full-time postdoc researchers, 15 PhD students, 3 experts in cognitive-behavioral psychotherapy, 3 statisticians and 3 data managers.

The appointed researcher(s) will be joining the DIGIPARENT project, which explores the use of digitally assisted parent training interventions in the prevention and treatment of disruptive behaviour disorders. The project is divided into four Work
Packages (WPs), which are focused on
1) long-term outcomes of digitally assisted parent training,
2) genetic and epigenetic variants associated with childhood disruptive behaviour and the epigenetic response to childhood psychosocial interventions,
3) personalisation by artificial intelligence and machine learning algorithms, and
4) functionality as part of the health service system.

The project is funded by European Research Council (ERC). The open positions are related specifically to WP4 section of the project, which investigates the usability and long-term impact of interventions at community level with both register studies and qualitative research on the views and experiences of healthcare professionals and intervention users. 

We are primarily seeking researchers with doctoral degrees (senior research fellows, senior researchers), but candidates at the final stage of their doctoral dissertation are welcome to apply as well (project researchers). We expect you to have a degree in a relevant field and to be able to conduct independent research work. Evidence and experience of e.g. epidemiology, population research, birth cohorts, register-based research and qualitative research methods are considered an advantage. The position requires good interaction and communication skills in English, as well as good IT capabilities.

We value equality and diversity in our work community and encourage qualified applicants, regardless of background, to apply for our open positions. 

The salary is determined in accordance with the university salary system for teaching and research personnel. The salary of a project researcher is at levels 2–4 on the job demands chart, which means that the job-specific salary element is 2108,40–2628,85 euros per month. The salary of a senior researcher is at levels 4–6, and the job-specific salary element is 2628,85–3549,72 euros per month. The salary of a senior research fellow is at levels 5–7, and the job-specific salary element is 3044,00–4092,29 euros per month. In addition, a personal salary element will be paid. The personal salary element is 6–50 % of the job-specific salary element.

Trial period of 6 months is applied in the position.

How to apply

Applicants are requested to enclose with their applications the following  documents in English:

  • CV
  • List of publications
  • Motivation letter

The electronic database allows the applicant to submit only one application file to each application section. Information on the file forms to be used can be found in the additional information of each application. Please note that the database only allows the publications to be submitted in a packaged form (.zip). One .zip-file may include several individual files.

Please submit your application by 14 June 2023 11:59pm via the electronic application form of the University. The deadline for applications has been extended. A link to the application form (“Apply for the job”) is available above the announcement of this position at

For further information about the position, please contact Professor Andre Sourander ( or substitute Susanna Hinkka-Yli-Salomäki (, and project coordinator Lotta Lehti ( Any inquiries about the recruitment process or the e-recruitment system will be answered by HR Specialist Elina Lehtimäki (