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University Lecturer to the INVEST Research Flagship Center

Published date more than one year ago
Posted: more than one year ago
Company University of Turku
Company: University of Turku
End date June 19, 2023
Due date: June 19, 2023
Location Turku
Location: Turku

Research Centre for Child Psychiatry at the University of Turku, Faculty of Medicine invites applications for a University Lecturer to the INVEST Research Flagship Center for a fixed term 1.9.2023–31.12.2026.

The Academy of Finland funded research flagship Inequalities, Interventions, and New Welfare State (INVEST) is a joint research centre that operates under the Faculties of Medicine and Social Sciences at the University of Turku (UTU) and the Welfare State Research and Reform unit at the Finnish Institute for Health and Welfare (THL). The Faculty of Medicine is represented in INVEST by the Research Centre for Child Psychiatry.

The University Lecturer will work at the new international Master’s Programme. The Research Centre for Child Psychiatry is planning a Master’s Programme (INVEST Master’s Degree Programme in Public Mental Health) which will be organized in collaboration with the existing INVEST programmes ( and MPMHInvest will focus on epidemiology, mental healthcare system, prevention, and interventions targeted at children, young people and families. Research on interventions is characterized by digital solutions.

The Research Centre for Child Psychiatry is a nationally leading institution in research on digital mental health interventions for children, young people and families. Since its establishment in 2009, the research centre has developed, evaluated and implemented several digitalised targeted and universal interventions aimed at teaching skills that maintain and strengthen mental health.

The target groups of our interventions are, among others, parents of under school-aged children, parents in crisis situations, early childhood professionals, children in primary school, children in secondary school, draftees, students in higher education and pregnant women. The interventions are digital or digitally assisted and their development is based on new technology, such as Artificial Intelligence or Virtual Reality.

The Research Centre for Child Psychiatry is a dynamic and innovative research environment with approximately 60 externally funded staff members. In addition to researchers and teachers, the centre employs a competent administrative team including Project and Research Coordinators. The staff also includes statisticians, family coaches and research nurses.

Job description

The University Lecturer Position includes

  • Developing the international Master’s Programme (INVEST Master’s Degree Programme in Public Mental Health) starting in 2024
  • Implementation of the Programme in co-operation with other INVEST programmes
  • Acting as the programme’s Coordinating Teacher
  • Conducting scientific research related to the programme and other possible teaching duties
  • Other possible duties related to e.g. administration or the academic community

It’s possible to include elective teaching/courses from the applicant's own field of expertise in programmes offered by INVEST.

Eligibility criteria

The appointee must have a PhD in a relevant field, the ability to provide high quality research-based teaching and supervision of theses. The language of the planned Master’s Programme is English, so fluency in both spoken and written English is required.

Scientific work, practical familiarity with the field of work if necessary, teaching experience and pedagogical training, experience in curriculum design, ability to produce learning material, other achieved merits in teaching and teaching demonstration are taken into account when evaluating the merits of the candidate.

Scientific merits in fields of expertise related to the emphasis of the planned Master’s Program are considered an advantage

We value equality and diversity in our work community and encourage qualified applicants, regardless of background, to apply for our open positions. 

Employment, Salary and Working at the University

The start of employment is 1 September 2023 or as negotiated. The position has a two-month trial period.

The salary is determined in accordance with the collective agreement system of Finnish universities for teaching and research personnel at levels 5-7 (3044,00-4092,29  euros/month). In addition, a personal salary element will be paid.

We offer interesting tasks and the opportunity to influence development of your own job, a work community that invests in well-being, versatile opportunities to develop your skills, and flexible ways of working (f.ex. possibility to work remotely). Read more about the University of Turku as an employer: Come Work with Us!

How to apply

Applicants are requested to enclose with their applications the following English-language documents:

The electronic database allows the applicant to submit only one application file to each application section. Information on the file forms to be used can be found in the additional information of each application. Please note that the database only allows the publications to be submitted in a packaged form (.zip). One .zip-file may include several individual files.

Please submit your application by 19 of June 2023 11:59pm via the electronic application form of the University. A link to the application form (“Apply for the job”) is available above the announcement of this position at .

For further information about the position, please contact Professor Andre Sourander ( or substitute Susanna Hinkka-Yli-Salomäki (, and project coordinator Lotta Lehti ( Any inquiries about the recruitment process or the e-recruitment system will be answered by HR Specialist Elina Lehtimäki (

The University of Turku is an active international academic community of 25,000 students and employees. We make the world a better a place and invest in the future with multidisciplinary research, education, and cooperation. We offer a broad range of exciting career opportunities, encourage continuous learning and invest in the well-being of our community. Join our responsible community conducting meaningful work in an everchanging world!