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Doctoral Researcher (Computational electromagnetics and electrical machines) / Väitöskirjatutkija (Laskennallinen sähkömagnetiikka ja sähkökoneet)

Published date 8 months ago
Posted: 8 months ago
Company Tampere University
Company: Tampere University
End date April 29, 2024
Due date: April 29, 2024
Location Tampere
Location: Tampere

This is a call for a Ph.D. student. For a postdoctoral researcher position, please see the add here.

Tampere University and Tampere University of Applied Sciences create a unique environment for multidisciplinary, inspirational and high-impact research and education. Our universities community has its competitive edges in technology, health and society.

The research group of Electromechanics at the Electrical Engineering Unit at the Faculty of Information Technology and Communication Sciences at Tampere University focuses on numerical electromagnetics and magnetic materials. We work at the interface of electromagnetic theory, computational science, physics of magnetic materials and electrical engineering applications of practical importance. Our vision is to integrate advanced electromagnetic modeling tools together with practical design of electromagnetic energy conversion devices, such as electrical machines, transformers, inductors and energy harvesters.

We are part of a Research Council of Finland Centre of Excellence on “High-Speed Electromechanical Energy Conversion Systems” which aims at the development of next generation high-speed electrical machines for energy conversion and transport applications. Our part is related to the development of numerical modeling techniques for the high-frequency behavior of electrical machine windings. We are also running a 5-year European Research Council funded project “Multiscale Magnetic Models for Emerging Energy Conversion Applications” related to the development of electromagnetic modeling tools for passive magnetic components used in power electronics applications.


We are now looking for a Ph.D. student to join our team and to grow into an expert in modeling of electrical machines. The research work comprises of development of new finite element (FE) modeling techniques for electrical machine windings at high frequencies and is expected to be carried out by programming new FE solvers or using suitable open-source tools (in particular Gmsh and its Python API). Commercial FE software may be used for validation purposes, but not as the main research tool. Both magneto-quasistatic modeling and full-wave modeling will be considered. See the following articles as examples of our earlier research in the field:

Participation to teaching at the Electrical Engineering Unit is possible. The job requires occasional traveling to international conferences to disseminate the research results. International research visits to other universities or research institutes are also possible.


A successful candidate holds an M.Sc. in electrical engineering, electromagnetics or applied mathematics and is familiar with electrical machines. They possess the relevant theoretical and programming skills and some experience in developing FE tools or using open-source software for numerical analysis. In addition, any experience on the following topics is appreciated:

  • Circuit-coupled FE formulations
  • So-called Darwin formulations for accounting for displacement currents in electromagnetic simulations
  • Domain decomposition and model order reduction techniques
  • Modern mathematics, e.g., differential forms in modeling
  • Electrical machine design and experimental work related to electrical machines

The position also requires:

  • Good English language skills
  • Ability to conduct systematic scientific research
  • Ability to work in a team and communicate clearly in a multidisciplinary and international environment

The person chosen for the position needs to apply for and be granted a study right for a doctoral degree in the Doctoral Programme of Computing and Electrical Engineering (DPCEE) at Tampere University. Please visit the admissions webpage for more information on eligibility requirements. Please pay special attention to the language requirements.


The positions will be filled for a fixed-term period of 2 years, with a possible extension. The starting date will be mutually agreed. A trial period of six months applies to all our new employees.

The salary will be based on both the job requirements and the employee's personal performance in accordance with the Finnish University Salary System. A typical starting salary for a Doctoral Researcher is 2700 EUR per month. The salary increases based on experience.

Tampere University offers many benefits to its employees, e.g. occupational health services, flexible working hours, high-quality sport services and affordable lunch opportunities on campus.

International HR services offer their help with e.g. official issues in settling in Finland and Tampere. 

Tampere region is one of the fastest growing city areas in Finland. Tampere is the largest inland city in the Nordic countries and a traditional centre of the Finnish industry. Today, the city is best known for its high-tech expertise and extensive knowhow in various fields. Tampere is also the most popular city in Finland for higher education studies.


Please submit your application through our online recruitment system (link below). The closing date for applications is 29.4.2024 (at 23:59 EEST / UTC+3). Applications and all accompanying documentation must be in English.

The following documents should accompany your application:

  • a CV (with a list of publications, if applicable)
  • a free-form application letter including names of two referees (max. 1 page)
  • degree certificates
  • other relevant documents that support your application (e.g. M.Sc. thesis, the most relevant publications regarding the call (max. 2), examples of numerical models you have developed, etc.)

For questions and more information, please contact:

Associate Professor Paavo Rasilo, paavo.rasilo (at), +358 40 849 0409



 Tampereen yliopisto ja Tampereen ammattikorkeakoulu muodostavat yhdessä Suomen toiseksi suurimman monitieteisen, innostavan ja vaikuttavan tutkimus- ja oppimisyhteisön. Korkeakouluyhteisömme osaamiskärjet ovat tekniikka, terveys ja yhteiskunta. Lue lisää:

Tampereen yliopistossa on haettavana Väitöskirjatutkija (Laskennallinen sähkömagnetiikka ja sähkökoneet) -tehtävä.

Sähkömekaniikan tutkimusryhmä Tampereen yliopiston informaatioteknologian ja viestinnän tiedekunnan sähkötekniikan yksiköstä keskittyy numeeriseen sähkömagnetiikkaan ja magneettisten materiaalien mallintamiseen. Työskentelemme sähkömagneettisen kenttäteorian, laskennallisen tieteen, magneettisten materiaalien fysiikan ja tärkeiden sähkötekniikan sovellusten rajapinnassa. Tavoitteenamme on integroida sähkömagnetiikan edistyneitä mallinnusmenetelmiä sähkömagneettisten energianmuuntimien suunnittelutyöhön. Tällaisia energianmuuntimia ovat mm. sähkökoneet, muuntajat, kuristimet ja energianlouhintalaitteet.

Olemme osa Suomen Akatemian huippuyksikköä ”Suurnopeuksiset sähkömekaaniset energianmuunnosjärjestelmät”, jossa kehitetään uuden sukupolven suurnopeussähkökoneita energia- ja liikennesovelluksiin. Meidän osuutemme liittyy numeeristen mallinnusmenetelmien kehittämiseen suurtaajuisten sähkömagneettisten kenttien mallintamiseksi sähkökoneiden käämityksissä. Lisäksi vedämme Euroopan tutkimusneuvoston rahoittamaa viisivuotista hanketta liittyen tehoelektroniikassa käytettävien passiivisten magneettisten komponenttien mallintamiseen.

Haemme väitöskirjatutkijaa työskentelemään sähkökoneiden käämitysten sähkömagneettisen mallintamisen parissa. Työhön kuuluu numeeristen laskentamenetelmien kehittäminen ohjelmoiden uusia elementtimenetelmäratkaisijoita tai käyttäen soveltuvia avoimen lähdekoodin mallinnustyökaluja.

Tarkemmat tiedot tehtävästä ja hakuohjeet löytyvät yllä olevasta englanninkielisestä ilmoituksesta. Hakuaika tehtävään päättyy 29.4.2024.