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Sap Jobs In Finland

Showing 21 - 38 of 38 jobs

Published date Posted 2 weeks ago
End date Due date: 13 Oct, 2024
Location Vaasa

Wärtsilä is an innovative technology company known for being a forerunner in the Marine and Energy markets. Every day, we – Wärtsilians - put our hearts and minds into turning Wärtsilä's purpose of enabling sustainable societies through innovation in technology and services into reality. Our ultimate aim is to provide increased value to both our customers and society. New, game-changing ideas and continuous improvement have been part of our DNA since 1834. Together, we can create new business...

Published date Posted 2 days ago
End date Due date: 27 Oct, 2024
Location Espoo

Haemme aktiivista ja yhteistyökykyistä käyttö- ja kehitysinsinööriä vahvistamaan Fermionin Espoon koetehtaan tiimiä toistaiseksi voimassa olevaan työsuhteeseen. Tehtävän kuvaus Työskentelet monipuolisesti erilaisissa koetehtaan toiminnan ylläpitämiseen ja kehittämiseen liittyvissä tehtävissä yhdessä koetehtaasta vastaavan prosessikehityspäällikön kanssa. Olet tärkeässä roolissa koetehtaan laitteiden ja käyttöhyödykejärjestelmien elinkaaren hallinnassa sekä koetehdasta koskevissa muutos- j...

Published date Posted a week ago
End date Due date: 20 Oct, 2024
Location Vaasa

Wärtsilä is an innovative technology company known for being a forerunner in the Marine and Energy markets. Every day, we – Wärtsilians - put our hearts and minds into turning Wärtsilä's purpose of enabling sustainable societies through innovation in technology and services into reality. Our ultimate aim is to provide increased value to both our customers and society. New, game-changing ideas and continuous improvement have been part of our DNA since 1834. Together, we can create new business...

Published date Yesterday
End date Due date: 20 Oct, 2024
Location Vaasa

Wärtsilä is an innovative technology company known for being a forerunner in the Marine and Energy markets. Every day, we – Wärtsilians - put our hearts and minds into turning Wärtsilä's purpose of enabling sustainable societies through innovation in technology and services into reality. Our ultimate aim is to provide increased value to both our customers and society. New, game-changing ideas and continuous improvement have been part of our DNA since 1834. Together, we can create new business...

Published date Posted a week ago
End date Due date: 14 Oct, 2024
Location Turku
Meyer Turku

Haluatko työskennellä maailman upeimpien ja edistyksellisimpien risteilyalusten parissa? Tule osaksi yhtä maailman vahvinta laivanrakennustiimiä!   Haemme nyt AP specialistia vakituiseen työsuhteeseen Turun telakalle   Mitä Accounts Payable Specialistin tehtäviin kuuluu? Pääset työskentelemään osana kokenutta ostoreskontra- ja taloustiimiäkehittyvässä taloushallinnossa ja mielenkiintoisessa työympäristössä. Työtehtäviisi kuuluvat monipuoliset ostoreskontran ja taloushallinnon tehtävät use...

Published date Posted a week ago
End date Due date: 27 Oct, 2024
Location Vaasa

Wärtsilä is an innovative technology company known for being a forerunner in the Marine and Energy markets. Every day, we – Wärtsilians - put our hearts and minds into turning Wärtsilä's purpose of enabling sustainable societies through innovation in technology and services into reality. Our ultimate aim is to provide increased value to both our customers and society. New, game-changing ideas and continuous improvement have been part of our DNA since 1834. Together, we can create new business...

Published date Yesterday
End date Due date: 27 Oct, 2024
Location Turku

Haemme Turun lääketehtaan Voideosastolle työnjohtajaa määräaikaiseen työsuhteeseen vuoden 2026 elokuun loppuun asti. Tehtävän kuvaus Tehtävän tavoitteena on toimia oman vuoron esihenkilönä yhdessä muiden työnjohtajien (yht. 4) kanssa mahdollistaen turvallista, tehokasta ja häiriötöntä tuotantoa. Työtehtäviin kuuluu: valvoa toimintaohjeiden noudattamista työturvallisuuden ja lääketeollisuuden hyvien tuotantotapojen takaamiseksi hallita henkilöresursseja työnjohdollisin menetelmin ta...

Published date Posted more than one year ago
Location Tampere, Helsinki

Bynfo offers the entire range of BI services from data warehouse management, reporting and analytics to assessing performance, business and financial planning and forecasting. We are looking for a reporting and analytics expert to carry out lifecycle analyses for our customers, on the basis of the data they use in their business. Our reporting and analytics experts engage in the assessment of requirements, analysis, data processing and modeling as well as visualization; they also have a key rol...

Published date Posted more than one year ago
Location Tampere
Open text

The opportunity: The Financial Analyst (FA) will have responsibilities for controllership functions for Finnish and Middle East entities. The FA will be an integral part of the accounting cycle, providing support to the Global Finance team, assisting in accounting and financial reporting activities, and regional requirements. FA will be a key member of the European finance team, managing traditional controllership responsibilities and being a significant contributor to the consolidated US G...

Published date Posted a week ago
End date Due date: 20 Oct, 2024
Location Vaasa

Wärtsilä is an innovative technology company known for being a forerunner in the Marine and Energy markets. Every day, we – Wärtsilians - put our hearts and minds into turning Wärtsilä's purpose of enabling sustainable societies through innovation in technology and services into reality. Our ultimate aim is to provide increased value to both our customers and society. New, game-changing ideas and continuous improvement have been part of our DNA since 1834. Together, we can create new business...

Published date Posted 2 days ago
End date Due date: 03 Nov, 2024
Location Vaasa

Wärtsilä is a world leader in marine technology and leading the industry's transformation towards a decarbonised and sustainable future. With the world’s widest portfolio and service network, we – Wärtsilians - deliver efficient, safe and sustainable integrated products and solutions to enhance the business of our customers. The opportunities presented through digitalisation and new technologies are offering a new era of shipping. Did you know that shipping is the world’s most efficient mode of...

Published date Posted 2 days ago
End date Due date: 24 Oct, 2024
Location Vaasa

Wärtsilä is an innovative technology company known for being a forerunner in the Marine and Energy markets. Every day, we – Wärtsilians - put our hearts and minds into turning Wärtsilä's purpose of enabling sustainable societies through innovation in technology and services into reality. Our ultimate aim is to provide increased value to both our customers and society. New, game-changing ideas and continuous improvement have been part of our DNA since 1834. Together, we can create new business...

Published date Posted more than one year ago
Location Finland

Do you want to help create the future of healthcare? Our name, Siemens Healthineers, was selected to honor our people who dedicate their energy and passion to this cause. It reflects their pioneering spirit combined with our long history of engineering in the ever-evolving healthcare industry. We offer you a flexible and dynamic environment with opportunities to go beyond your comfort zone in order to grow personally and professionally. Sound interesting? Then come and join our global team as Fu...

Published date Posted more than one year ago
Location Helsinki

Hei tuleva tekkikonsultti! Innostutko uusista teknologioista sekä niiden mahdollistamista muutoksista yhteiskunnassa? Haluaisitko työskennellä erilaisten sovellusten, järjestelmäintegraatioiden tai muiden teknologiaprojektien parissa? Jos kiinnostuksesi heräsi, lue alta lisää kevään harjoitteluistamme. Mitä Accenture Technology tekee? Accenturella tarjoamme asiakkaillemme sovelluspalveluita sekä kattavia järjestelmäintegraatioita, joiden avulla tuemme asiakkaidemme bisnestransformaatioit...

Published date Posted a week ago
End date Due date: 31 Oct, 2024
Location Vaasa

Wärtsilä is an innovative technology company known for being a forerunner in the Marine and Energy markets. Every day, we – Wärtsilians - put our hearts and minds into turning Wärtsilä's purpose of enabling sustainable societies through innovation in technology and services into reality. Our ultimate aim is to provide increased value to both our customers and society. New, game-changing ideas and continuous improvement have been part of our DNA since 1834. Together, we can create new business...

Published date Posted 2 weeks ago
End date Due date: 13 Oct, 2024
Location Helsinki

Wärtsilä is an innovative technology company known for being a forerunner in the Marine and Energy markets. Every day, we – Wärtsilians - put our hearts and minds into turning Wärtsilä's purpose of enabling sustainable societies through innovation in technology and services into reality. Our ultimate aim is to provide increased value to both our customers and society. New, game-changing ideas and continuous improvement have been part of our DNA since 1834. Together, we can create new business...

Published date Posted a week ago
End date Due date: 17 Oct, 2024
Location Vaasa

Wärtsilä is a world leader in marine technology and leading the industry's transformation towards a decarbonised and sustainable future. With the world’s widest portfolio and service network, we – Wärtsilians - deliver efficient, safe and sustainable integrated products and solutions to enhance the business of our customers. The opportunities presented through digitalisation and new technologies are offering a new era of shipping. Did you know that shipping is the world’s most efficient mode of...

Published date Posted more than one year ago
Location Tampere, Helsinki

BDS Bynfo offers the entire range of analytics services from data warehouse management, reporting and analytics to assessing performance, business and financial planning and forecasting. We are looking for a Data Engineer to support the development of our customers’ businesses by planning and implementing technical solutions that consist of data modeling, data integration, data flows, data warehousing and compiling databases. We are looking for candidates with 3-6 years of experience in roles ...